Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Question 1.6

  1. Climate is the pattern of weather  that is expected in a place, based on the weather of the past 30 years, while weather is the conditions of an area in terms of temperature, wind, clouds and precipitation.
  2. The equator, in the middle of the Earth, receives more sun than any other place, so the closer somewhere is to the equator, the more sun they will receive, and so will become hotter, and places that are further north, away from the equator get less sun and so are colder
  3. In the summer there are usually low pressure winds in the north, so there is no breeze and it gets hotter, but in the south there is higher pressure winds, so its cooler. While in winter its the opposite, so its much colder in the north and much hotter in the south.
  4. Ocean currents from nearer poles bring cooler conditions and those from nearer the equator bring warmer conditions.
  5. A climate can be affected seriously by relief. If a country has a higher altitude, then the moist air that is forced to rise cools, the water vapour condenses and there is an increase in cloud cover and precipitation.  These places are cooler and wetter than lower altitude places.
  6. a) The average climate stats are very important for a farmer. If a farmer does not know or keep up to date on the weather and climate, he could end up making a drastic mistake with his crops or his livestock, whether its when plants them or when harvest them, that seriously affect him financially                   b) A tourist in Australia should not be concerned about the climate all. All it helps them decide is what clothes to pack, and whether they should bring sunscreen and hats. the climate and weather only affects where they can visit that day, the museum or the beach.
  7. Australia is traditionally know for its hard 'outback' climate, and so the vegetation that grows there have had to adapt. Some plants that were once were identical, over millenniums, have evolved into completely different species. These plant that once relied on water have adapted to the landscape and now just need sunlight, which the 'outback' supplies quite readily.
  8. Hobart: Annual Precipitation= 519.2 mm    Average Annual Temperature= 12.4 degrees 
          Darwin: Annual Precipitation= 1708.8 mm   Average Annual Temperature= 27.6 degrees
     b) It doesn't give you a proper idea of the heat of the day or the cold of the night. As most are about during the day, it is much better to know to know the average maximum temperature.

      9. Melbourne is in a temperate climate zone, with low average rainfall and mid range-average temperatures. Alice Springs is in the middle of Australia, in a sub tropical climate zone. It has very low rainfall, and high temperatures. However temperatures can drop sharply at nightime because its in the desert. Alice Springs has the greatest temperature range, from a maximum daily temperature of 35 degrees in January to a minimum temperature of 4 degrees in July. Melbourne has the most rainfall with rainfall pretty even throughout the year.

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