- Drought causes economic hardship for the agricultural population which has an effect on jobs, business and the local economy of the town
- Farm area's increased, but the number of farms decreased
- Rural recession, Soldier Settler blocks unable to turn a profit, Less farms
- A lot of jobs that were previously manual are now mechanised and have been replaced by robots or machines instead of people
- With better roads and the comfort of today's cars, more people tend to pass the smaller towns like Gulargambone in exchange for the larger cities like Dubbo.
- Population Decline, The Number of farmers and farms have decreased and less school enrolments
9. More young people are being born, but as they get older are leaving for better parts (mainly males)
10. School enrolments were at their peak at 1961 and declined as the rural recession started so more kids were kept out of school to work on the farm with their parents.
11. Social - Less people wanting to come through or visit Gulargambone
Economic - Rural Decline
Environmental - Droughts and extreme weather